Sunday, July 1, 2012


This was quite a day of contrast.  We began the morning in Hiroshima with a heavy rain and dark clouds which matched the somber message of the Peace Memorial Park.  It is a beautiful statement to the horror and the wish for peace.  We saw the A-Bomb Dome left to remind the world of the destruction that occurred on August 6, 1945.   The museum had remains from the fateful day and even a watch that had stopped at the exact time that the bomb explored.                                                          


The experience was incredibly moving and the picture was truly brought to life by the special guest lecturer that was arranged by Orion Cruises.  A survivor who was 8 when the bomb dropped told her story and illustrated what it would have been like to be in Hiroshima on the fateful day. 

In the afternoon the sun came out and we enjoyed a splendid visit to Miyajima to view the O-torii Gate and the Shinto Temple Itsukshimo built in 593.  It has been rebuilt as necessary to preserve and keep this sacred place available for people to worship.

To complete the day we had time to shop in the wonderful arcade and enjoy fresh roasted oysters which are the delicacy of the area.

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