Tuesday, July 3, 2012


This morning we arrived in Nagasaki which was founded by the Portuguese in the second half of the 16th century.  This is important since it is here where the contact and trade relations between Japan and the rest of the world developed.  Nagasaki grew into a diverse port city and even today you can find Portuguese products such as sponge cake and bread that have been assimilated into popular Japanese culture.  We first visited Oura catholic Church which reflects the influence although small of Christianity in Japan.  It is a beautiful church that could be found anywhere in the world.
After this we visited Glover Gardens which is beautiful as are all the gardens in Japan.  We especially enjoyed the turtle sculpture that was a comfortable home for real turtles.

Then we traveled to the Dejima Museum of History that is a recreation of the man made island where all foreigners were allowed to transact business when Japan was essentially closed to foreign traders in an effort to protect the caste system from the Europeans  who did not believe. It was fun here to see the guards dressed in period costume,

You may have noticed that I have not mentioned the second atomic bomb which was dropped here.  Of course it would be remiss not to say that there is a Nagaski Peace Memorial Park as there is and I am sure it is moving as the one we have previously visited.  However, this being the last port in Japan it seemed like instead of visiting the museum, I wanted to travel the streets and breathe in the last sights and sounds of this amazing country.  It takes a few days to get used to the different ways but the more you are here, the more comfortable you are to explore the unknown and know that it will be safe, clean and fascinating.  I can't wait for the opportunity to come back.

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